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Week 6 (April 3rd - April 10th)

Fire and Extinguisher:

Implemented the Radiators punishment, where if the mech runs our of Coolant, the Radiator catches on fire. When the mech's coolant level is at 0, a fire prefab is instantiated with a particle system for visuals. The current versions visuals are placeholder until I focus on the games 3D assets.


Along with the fire comes a fire extingusiher, which shoots a raycast from the player which slowly depletes the fires health, and as its health goes down, the emission for the fires particle system redcues. As the player put's out the fire, whe its health is 0, the fire object is destroyed.

The logic for the fire and fire extinguisher was by deriving and combining a enemy damage turoial, and a simple gun system tutorial found online. 

Screenshot 2024-05-07 181614.png
Screenshot 2024-05-07 181636.png

Game Jam 2 Reflection:

The second Game Jam didn't require a submission, but I was still glad we did it since I was able to focus on adding some quality of life features to spruce up my game, even if they are in early developmental stages.

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