Reaching Terminus - Dev Log
Week 15 (July 29nd - Aug 4th)
Dark Tunnel Assets:
This week the Dark Tunnels Level Chunk I started by taking my greybox to Maya, to create a proper model for the tunnels themselves.
At first I was going to model over the walls and have the roof be it's own model like the the Hanger Bay, but after trying it out I didn't feel it gave the tunnel effect I was after. So instead, I used a warped cylinder to create the tunnel, attaching side paths with other cylinders, then I inversed the faces, creating the look I was after.
Alognside the tunnel itself, other assets included:
- Gates/Gate Frame
- Side Rooms
- Power Room
- PowerCords
- Room Door
- Key
- Battery
​- Cave Roof​
Using some materials provided by substance painter along with a few difernt brush types, I was able to make a decent cave interior for the tunnels, and exterior for the roof.​​​​​
Power Puzzle Setup:
The metroidvania-esc puzzle in this level chunk requires the player to power up the gate at the end of the level.
To do this the player needs to replace the missing battery for the gate, which is behind the door in Room A. To open the door, they need the key in Room B, which is blocked by a wall the player needs to destroy with the mech's cannon.
The button to open Room A's door is set inactive until the player pick's up the key, which has a script that sets the button active, then destroys the key. When players go back to Room A and use the door button, the key model will appear and the door animation will play.
Then they can carry the battery back to the Battery Room, and it will get collected using similar code to the mech resource consumers, which check's for a tag then use a function (in this case the battery tag, and opening the gate).
Implementing URP:
What I found while adding the Dark Tunnel assets to unity was the lack of shadows while inside the tunnel, and the general lack of decent lighting across my project. I checked to see if my render pipeline might be the cause, and it turns out when I first started this project I hadn't picked a render pipeline, and was going off of Unity's deafult lighting, which expolained its basic nature.
So I decedied to convert the project to URP for better lighting, which immediatly made the game look much nicer with proper shadows. However this did break my shader graph for the lake, as URP has it's own intergrated version of shader graphs, so I converted my lake shader over tom it.