Reaching Terminus - Dev Log
Week 11 (May 22nd - May 29th)
Continued Modelling:
This week I continued to model the new mech in Maya, completing the unfinished limbs. I kept the hands, since they were also pretty easly transferrable to the new style. I also have the internals for the mech in an early form, with an opening front compartment.
But I still need to some play testing, before I fully commit to havin the front be the entry point, as I've come to like having the mechs back ladder lead to it's entrance in the current builds.
Trying to Fix Mech Slope Handling:
I also wanted to go back and try sort out my mechs slode handling, as it really struggles to get over any kind of incline, and sometimes gets stuck on the top of hills. While this kind of helps to makee the mech feel weighty, it can be a little incovient at times.
My first guess was the issue was with the ground check not being super efficit for something character this large, so I changed the code to shoot out a Raycast Sphere, instead of a regular Raycast. This kind of gave me a mid ground between how the mech used to handle slopes, and how the pilot does, which is ideal, but could maybe do with tweaking in future.